My Birth Story

Since I'm on maternity leave, I thought I'd take a minute to blog some personal images that I just can't resist sharing with you, my friends and clients!

I should start by saying I absolutely love birth photography. I love the black and white images, the photo-journalistic quality of the images and of course, capturing the miracle of birth. My husband and I opted to capture the birth of our son ourselves, passing the camera back and forth throughout the day. Yup, in between contractions I'm busy snapping pictures or telling my husband, "Now take a picture of that. Bend down so you're at my level. Zoom in on this..."

Although my due date wasn't until August 7, some spicy Chipotle pushed my labor into gear and Brody Anderson Brewer arrived on August 1, 2012 and weighed in at 7.7 pounds and measured 22" long. The entire day was a blast (yes, a blast) and I'm so grateful to have added this little guy to the Kelli Brewer Photography family =)


(Just a quick note - this is grandchild #17 for my parents!)

There you have it! Thanks for letting me take a few minutes to share some personal photos with you. I'm not sure when I'll return from maternity leave (can you blame me, look how cute he is!) but I do look forward to capturing more memories with my clients in the fall. Stay tuned!